
Bluestacks download failed because the resources
Bluestacks download failed because the resources

bluestacks download failed because the resources

Make sure that the version number of the expansion file that you have listed on the test app is the same version number that is on the developer's console itself.

bluestacks download failed because the resources

I think all devices are approved by default. Make sure that your device is listed in the list of approved devices on the developer's console. Make sure you're logged into the device using an account that is registered as a tester of the app. You can publish to alpha while testing so you don't have to release it to the market in order to test. It will take a few hours to publish once you have done this, so you might want to publish the day before you test. Make sure the application you want to test has been published in the developer's console. You can read more about testing the expansion file downloads here. There are a few things to consider when the device is not downloading the expansion files.

Bluestacks download failed because the resources